WAIS-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation

by ; ; ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2010-05-13
Publisher(s): Elsevier Science
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WAIS-IV is the most widely used intelligence test for adults in the world. Substantive changes were made to the WAIS-IV from the WAIS-III leaving clinicians with questions as to how to use and interpret the measure effectively. This guide to the WAIS-IV is written to help clinical practitioners achieve efficient and accurate interpretations of test results. This guide is based on data obtained while standardizing the test, and hence provides the most authoritative information for interpreting results, diagnostic validity, demographically corrected norms, and accuracy of the tests in measuring intelligence and memory.

Table of Contents

List of contributorsp. xi
Forewordp. xiii
Prefacep. xxiii
The WAIS-IV: Development and Foundations
WAIS-IV: Advanced in the Assessment of Intelligence
Introductionp. 3
Wechsler's theory of intelligence: past and presentp. 4
Structure and content of the WAIS-IVp. 7
Subtest descriptionsp. 7
Score descriptionsp. 11
WAIS-III to WAIS-IV: what's new?p. 12
Changes to structure and contentp. 12
Other changesp. 18
Conclusionp. 19
Referencesp. 20
Practical Issues in WAIS-IV Administration and Scoring
Introductionp. 25
Administration and scoring considerationsp. 26
Verbal Comprehension scalep. 26
Perceptual Reasoning scalep. 29
Working Memory scalep. 34
Processing Speed scalep. 38
Key promptsp. 42
Frequently asked administration and scoring questionsp. 42
Conclusionp. 50
Appendix: What WAIS-III users should know about WAIS-IVp. 51
Referencesp. 59
Theoretical, Empirical and Clinical Foundations of the WAIS-IV Index Scores
Introductionp. 61
The WAIS-IV index scoresp. 63
Verbal Comprehension Indexp. 63
Perceptual Reasoning Indexp. 65
Working Memory Indexp. 68
Processing Speed Index (PSI)p. 72
Toward a dynamic model of intellectual abilitiesp. 75
Analyzing differences among index scoresp. 79
The WAIS-IV Composite Scoresp. 79
General Ability Index (GAI)p. 80
Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI)p. 81
Issues in estimating overall abilityp. 88
Summary and Commentp. 90
Referencesp. 91
The WAIS-IV: Clinical Use and Interpretation in Context
WAIS-IV Use in Societal Context
Introductionp. 97
Bias issues in intellectual assessmentp. 98
Demographic differences in various areas of lifep. 102
Racial/ethnic group disparities in educationp. 103
Racial/ethnic group disparities in mental health statusp. 105
Racial/ethnic group disparities in physical health statusp. 107
Racial/ethnic group disparities in incomep. 109
Implications of demographic differences in various areas of lifep. 110
The role of cognitive stimulation in intellectual developmentp. 112
Home environment influences on cognitive developmentp. 114
The role of the person in the development and maintenance of cognitive abilitiesp. 116
Patterns of IQ and Index score differences across racial/ethnic groupsp. 118
SES mediators of FSIQ differences between culturally diverse groupsp. 124
Are there individual mediators of intelligence that are universal?p. 130
Summaryp. 135
Referencesp. 136
The Flynn Effect and the Wechsler Scales
Introductionp. 141
Variability of the Flynn effectp. 142
What causes the Flynn effect?p. 143
Current researchp. 146
Research methodp. 147
Samplesp. 147
Analysisp. 149
Resultsp. 152
FSIQ change by abilityp. 152
FSIQ change by gender, education, and agep. 154
CPI change by ability and demographicsp. 155
Score change in the DAS and the Bayleyp. 158
Discussionp. 160
The Flynn effect and test constructp. 161
Is IQ change due to population change?p. 162
Conclusionp. 163
Referencesp. 164
WAIS-IV Use in Neuropsychological Assessment
Introductionp. 167
From WAIS-III to WAIS-IVp. 169
Changes to the WAIS-IVp. 170
Comparability of WAIS-IV and WAIS-IIIp. 172
Implications of changes in WAIS-IV for neuropsychological applicationsp. 173
Neuropsychological interpretation of the WAIS-IVp. 173
Clinical analysis of WAIS-IV scoresp. 174
Test-retest reliabilityp. 176
Initial validity studies of WAIS-IVp. 177
Supplemental analyses of clinical scalesp. 178
Intellectual giftedness and disabilityp. 178
Traumatic brain injuryp. 180
Mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's diseasep. 181
Major depressionp. 183
Summaryp. 185
Future researchp. 185
Referencesp. 186
The Wechsler Intelligence Scales in the Assessment of Psychopathology
Historical introductionp. 189
Factor analytic studiesp. 192
Schizophreniap. 193
Factor analytic studiesp. 196
The schizophrenia spectrump. 198
Autismp. 200
Factor analytic studiesp. 202
Traumatic brain injuryp. 204
Cluster and factor analytic studiesp. 207
Summaryp. 211
Referencesp. 212
Do the WAIS-IV Tests Measure the Same Aspects of Cognitive Functioning in Adults Under and Over Age 65?
Introductionp. 217
Comparisons of level of performancep. 219
Reliabilityp. 226
Correlations among variablesp. 226
Correlations with other variablesp. 230
Discussionp. 232
Referencesp. 234
Using WAIS-IV with WMS-IV
Introductionp. 237
Overview of WMS-IVp. 237
Brief history of the Wechsler Memory scalep. 237
WMS-IV structurep. 239
Interpretationp. 241
Combining WAIS-IV/WMS-IV scoresp. 265
Methods for comparing scoresp. 265
WAIS-IV versus WMS-IV comparisonsp. 267
Case studiesp. 269
Probable dementia of the Alzheimer's type - mild severityp. 269
Mild cognitive impairmentp. 272
Traumatic brain injuryp. 276
Left temporal epilepsyp. 279
Referencesp. 283
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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