Wellness Matters Your Journey with Mental Illness & Metabolic Syndrome
by Falk-Huzar, PsyD, EdS, MBA, HS-BCP, Erica Alexandra
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Wellness Matters teaches individuals how to effectively care for their physical health while dealing with mental illness and emotional difficulties. The workbook includes self-care initiatives such as healthy eating, exercise, smoking cessation, stress reduction, and integrative therapy. It is especially geared toward individuals living with mental illness providing them with opportunities to reduce the likelihood of developing medical conditions; however, is a great tool for anyone looking to improve their emotional and physical health. In addition to the education the workbook provides, it also includes a personal lifestyle change contract, weekly challenge notes, journal prompts, personal rating scales, and motivational tips.
Author Biography
Erica is a Doctor of Psychology who specializes in substance abuse counseling, mental health advocacy, education, and human services. She operates an integrated residential living system for adults with mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Erica has extensive education in the fields of psychology, health care, and business. Erica is also someone with lived experienced and an advocate for individuals in similar situations.
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