Where to Start and What to Ask: An Assessment Handbook

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 1993-01-17
Publisher(s): W. W. Norton & Company
List Price: $25.55

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A "sink or swim" philosophy frequently prevails in mental health settings today. This book is intended to help therapists and especially beginning students organize their approach to the initial phase of treatment. It enables therapeutic neophytes to navigate even rough clinical waters with competence and assurance.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix
The How and Why of This Book: An Introduction xi
How to Conduct the First Interview with an Adult
Looking, Listening, and Feeling: The Mental Status Examination
How to Think About Your Client's Health: The Medical History
How to Conduct the First Interview with a Family
How to Conduct the First Interview with a Child
How to Take a Developmental History
How to Conduct the First Interview with a Couple
How to Determine Whether a Client Might Hurt Somebody---Including You
How to Determine Whether a Client Might Hurt Herself
How to Determine Whether a Client Is a Substance Abuser
How to Assess Children for Neglect, Abuse, and Sexual Abuse
What Psychological Testing Is and When You Might Ask for It
How to Write an Assessment
Where You Go from Here
Index 175

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