The Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues A Visual Guide to Efficient Movement for Coaches, Trainers and Athletes

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2022-07-26
Publisher(s): Victory Belt Publishing
List Price: $55.95

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There is no such thing as a “golden cue” that works for everyone 100% of the time. Therefore, the more cues a coach has in their toolbox, the more likely they will be able to effectively communicate with their athletes.

Coaches use cues—short, easy-to-remember phrases—to help athletes perform movements correctly as well as to convey useful sports psychology perspectives. Athletes commonly hear movement cues like “Crush the Can” and “Grip the Ground”  along with motivational cues like “Consistency is King.” A passionate coach, lifelong athlete, and advanced degree holder in kinesiology, Karl Eagleman, creator of the popular Whiteboard Daily Instagram, has put together a valuable resource for coaches, athletes, and anyone who wants to improve their own movement.
The Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues contains a comprehensive collection of illustrations drawn on a whiteboard—a medium that virtually all coaches are familiar with. It boasts the largest list of cues ever compiled, covering Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, kettlebell exercises, and monostructural movements (running, rowing, jumping rope, etc.). Each illustration is hand drawn in a simple, stylized way to make the cues easy to retain and to utilize during training.
No two athletes are the same; we all learn in our own unique ways. By providing hundreds of cues, this book will help coaches and athletes learn a new way to understand movement for themselves and/or to communicate safe, effective movement to others.

Author Biography

Karl Eagleman has a passion for coaching, but also for being a student and learning from others. A lifelong athlete, he grew up playing many sports, but especially basketball. Throughout his athletic career he has played collegiate basketball (Bellarmine University - Louisville, KY), and competed in the World Indoor Rowing Championships, and as a team member in the CrossFit Sectionals. He started doing CrossFit in 2007 and has been a coach at CrossFit MANA (Palmerston North, New Zealand), Derby City CrossFit (Louisville, KY) and CrossFit NapTown (Indianapolis, IN).
Eagleman created Whiteboard Daily to be a valuable resource for coaches, athletes, and anyone who wants to improve their own movement. Since launching WBD on Instagram in August of 2017, Eagleman has posted over 1,000 unique illustrations covering movement cues, coaching education, and sport psychology. Additionally, in an effort to provide more opportunities for coaches to pursue continuing education, he created the Whiteboard Daily Coaching Education Grant which has been awarded to five recipients so far.

Eagleman has a master's degree in kinesiology and a teaching certification in physical education from Indiana University. In addition to being a member of Active Life Professional Coaches, he holds several coaching certifications, including CrossFit Level 2 Trainer, CrossFit Gymnastics, The Gymnastics Course, and Burgener Strength Weightlifting Level 1. He is currently pursuing the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist credential from the NSCA

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