Wicked Greek

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 1995-01-06
Publisher(s): Workman Pub Co
List Price: $5.20

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For two thousand years visitors have been touring the rugged glory of Greece. But with a difference--when the early Romans went visiting, those wacky Greek gods were still holed up on Mount Olympus. Today they've come down, and they're driving taxis, tending bar, dancing and yelling and throwing plates around restaurants. All of which spells adventure for the unsuspecting tourist, and wonderful opportunity for Howard Tomb. From the sneakily successful series of travel books with over 1 million copies in print, Wicked Greek is the phrasebook that takes the chaos out of the land that invented it. Here are pithy comments on retsina: "My wine tastes like a handful of pine needles." Tips on consulting the Oracle of the Ferry Schedules, including the Mystery of the Next Departure to Patmos. More than you ever dreamed possible about olives-including black, green, purple, briny, cracked, and this-makes-the-retsina-taste-good. Trojan War stories. Zeno's Paradox, Aristotle's Boo-Boo, Plato's Cave, and other philosophical conundrums that put us in the fix we're in today. Motorbike survival tips. Ella, word of a thousand meanings. And how to pursue romance with the natives.

Table of Contents

Welcome To Greece
Welcome to Greece Pronunciation Guide: It's Greek to Me!
Disclaimer Welcome to the World's First Theme Park Timeline: Find Your Ancestors
Getting Around
Taxi to Agony Turkish Insultamatic Bust on the Bus Driver
Trojan Road Warrior
Common Road Signs
Consulting the Oracle for Ferry Schedules
Cruising the Styx Nautical Deities
Island-Hopping With the Gods
The Winds of Mykonos
The Wild Two Oedipus Rex's Long and Winding Road
Culture And Arts
Philosophy 101 B.C. Aristophanes Unplugged Zeus, Mighty Playgod
Flirting with Danger Medea: What a Bitch Saint Olympics
The Practical Traveler
Divining the Hotel Rating System
Labyrinth of the Cheap Trinkets Reach Out and Touch Someone at Random Blue Water, Raw Garbage
The People
Visiting Ancient Relics and Their Wives Sick O'Stucco
What All the Widows Will Be Wearing
This Summer Hangin' with the Homies
The Greek Way of Love: Division of Manly Affection
The Greek Way of Love: Division of Classical Coupling Pagan Prayer
Food, Wine And Entertainment
Point 'n' Tzatziki Whacking the Squid Your Waiter and Chaos
The Ugly Truth
About Retsina Olive Drab Real Men Don't Folk Dance
Creating a Bouzouki-Free Zone Party-Crashing Tips
The Liquid Salute Nectar of the Demi-Gods
The Inevitable Thank-You
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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