Wild: The Naturalistic Garden

by ;
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2022-03-09
Publisher(s): Phaidon Press
List Price: $59.95

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A stunning exploration of one of the hottest trends in garden design, nature-based planting with an eco-aware approach, featuring the work of leading designers such as Sean Hogan, Piet Oudolf, and Dan Pearson

Forget the mild, manicured gardens of the past: planting today is undergoing a revolution
in taste and aesthetics. This is the first comprehensive overview of a new planting approach that is wild and natural by nature, reflecting the global turn towards sustainability and the current zeitgeist in garden design. Featuring over 40 gardens – from a perennial meadow in East Sussex, England to a private, drought-resistant garden in Australia – each garden in this stunning book is brought to life with beautiful photography and insightful text.

Author Biography

Noel Kingsbury is a planting-design consultant and a prolific writer on gardens and naturalistic planting, with over 20 books to his name. He is based in Portugal, where he is developing an experimental garden.

Claire Takacs is an award-winning garden photographer who has visited and photographed some of the best and most innovative gardens around the world. Her work is featured in numerous books and leading magazines.

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