The Wiley Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention

by ; ; ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2020-08-24
Publisher(s): Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: $247.41

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This new title in the What Works in Offender Rehabilitation series of handbooks reviews and brings up to date the ‘What Works’ literature in sexual offender theory, assessment, rehabilitation, risk management, prevention and policy. By evaluating current assessment frameworks and intervention programmes, it not only discusses theory and treatment efficacy but provides professionals with an evidence-based approach to the management and rehabilitation of individuals who have sexually offended, and the prevention of sexual abuse perpetration. Empirical findings of treatment effectiveness are presented and discussed by renowned international researchers and clinicians from around the world. The conceptual and theoretical material is presented with a strong emphasis on how it should be translated into real-world policy and practice in order to reduce re-offending effectively.

Author Biography

Jean Proulx is a Professor in, and the Director of, the School of Criminology at the University of Montreal, and Researcher at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology at that university. Since 1987, he has also been active, both as researcher and forensic psychologist, in treatment programs for sex offenders at the Philippe-Pinel Institute of Montreal, a maximum-security psychiatric institution. His main research interests are the pathways in the offending process, personality profiles, and sexual preferences and recidivism risk factors in sexual murderers, rapists, paedophiles and incest offenders. Over the last 30 years, he has published 10 books, and more than 150 book chapters and peer-reviewed articles in French and in English.

Franca Cortoni is Professor in the School of Criminology, University of Montreal, Canada, and a Research Fellow at the International Centre of Comparative Criminology. She previously worked in the Correctional Service of Canada as Director of Programming Research. She has published over 90 papers and 5 books on issues related to male and female sexual offenders. Her current research focuses on the effectiveness of treatment for sexual offenders.

Leam A. Craig, is a Consultant Forensic and Clinical Psychologist and Partner at Forensic Psychology Practice, UK. He is a Visiting Professor of Forensic Clinical Psychology at Birmingham City University and Hon. Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Birmingham, UK. He acts as an expert witness in the assessment and treatment of offenders and in matters of child protection. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and the Academy of Social Sciences and Chairs the Expert Witness Advisory Group. He has over 100 publications including 12 books.

Elizabeth J. Letourneau is Professor, Department of Mental Health and Director, Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is recognized for her expertise on child sexual abuse perpetration prevention, practice and policy. She has published more than 100 papers and chapters informed by research funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Justice, Oak Foundation, and the Open Society Foundation among others.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Overview and structure of the book
Jean Proulx

Part One. Theories of Sexual Offenders
Jean Proulx, Section Coordinator

1 Theories that Explain Sexual aggression Women
Jonathan James and Jean Proulx

2 Theories that Explain the Sexual Abuse of Children
Beth Dangerfield, Gaye Ildeniz, and Caoilte Ó Ciardha

3 A Developmental Life-course View of Sexual Offending: Taking Stock of Research on the Life-course Development of Antisocial and Criminal Behaviour
Patrick Lussier and Evan McCuish

4 What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence from a Global Health Perspective
Greta Massetti, Laura Chiang, and Beverly Fortson

Part Two. Assessment of Sexual Offenders
Leam A. Craig and Franca Cortoni, Section Coordinators

5 Risk Assessment in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offences
Martin Rettenberger and Liam A. Craig

6 The Psychometric Assessment of Sexual Aggressors
Helen Wakeling

7 Indirect and Physiological Approaches to Assessing Deviant Sexual Interests
Kevin L. Nunes and Chloe I. Pedneault

8 Assessing Sadism in Sexual Offenders
Tamsin Higgs, Alex Lord, Ewa B. Stefanska, and Derek Perkins

9 Neurobiological Considerations on the Aetiological Approach to Sexual Offender Assessment: CAse Formulation Incorporating Risk Assessment–Version 2 (CAFIRA–v2)
Leam A. Craig, Martin Rettenberger, and Anthony R. Beech

Part Three. Management of Sexual Offenders
Franca Cortoni, and Leam A. Craig, Section Coordinators

10 The Utility of Treatment for Sexual Offenders
Leam E. Marshall

11 Contemporary Programmes Designed for the Tertiary Prevention of Recidivism by People Convicted of a Sexual Offence: A Review, and the UK Perspective
Laura Ramsay, Adam J. Carter, and Jamie S. Walton

12 Ensuring Responsive Treatment Options for Male Adults Who Have Sexually Offended
Robin J. Wilson, Yolanda Fernandez, and David Prescott

13 Pharmacological Treatment of Sexual Offenders
Rajan Darjee and Alex Quinn

14 Community Dynamic Risk Management of Persons Who Have Sexually Offended
Robin J. Wilson, Jeffrey C. Sandler, and Kieran McCartan

Part Four. Special Populations
Jean Proulx, Section Coordinator

15 Evidence-based Assessment and Treatment Approaches for Adolescents Who Have Engaged in Sexually Abusive Behaviour
Alex R. Dopp, Cameron M. Perrine, Kathryn E. Parisi, Morgan A. Hill, and Michael F. Caldwell

16 Female Sexual Offenders
Franca Cortoni and Georgi Stefanov

17 Sexual Murderers
Jean Proulx, Jonathan James, and Tamsin Higgs

18 Online sexual offenders: Typologies, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention
Sarah Paquette, Francis Fortin, and Derek Perkins

19 An Evidence-based Model of Treatment for People with Cognitive Disability Who Have Committed Sexually Abusive Behaviour
Matthew C. Frize, Jessica Griffith, Robert Durham, & Catherine Ranson

20 The Role of Major Mental Illness in Problematic Sexual Behaviour: Current Perspectives and Controversies
Heather M. Moulden, Jeff Abracen, Jan Looman, and Drew A. Kingston

21 Non-contact Sexual Offences
Jennifer Defeo

22 Sadistic Sexual Aggressors
Nicholas Longpré, Jean-Pierre Guay, and Raymond A. Knight

Part Five. Policy and Prevention
Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Section Coordinator

23 Community-based Approaches to Sex Offender Management
Wayne A. Logan

24 Problem Sexual Behaviour: A Review of Youth-focused Policies
Rebecca Fix, Maggie Ingram, and Elizabeth J. Letourneau

25 International Approaches to the Management of Perpetrators of Sexual-harm Policy: Preventative, Practical or Political?
Kieran McCartan and Katherine Gotch

26 Integrating Child Sexual-abuse Prevention Strategies into Youth-serving Organizations
Keith Kaufman, Miranda Sitney, Judith Zatkin, Erin McConnell, and Alyssa Glace

27 Youth-focused Child Sexual Abuse Perpetration Prevention Strategies
Ryan T. Shields, Daniel B. Rothman, and Elizabeth J. Letourneau

28 Sexual Violence Prevention with Young Adult Males: Considering Gender Inequality in an Ecological Context
Christopher T. Allen and Christine A. Gidycz

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