Woe is I

Edition: 3rd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-07-27
Publisher(s): Riverhead Books
List Price: $16.00

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Customer Reviews

Witty and Serious Textbook at the Same Time  March 31, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

It is hard to believe that a college professor would choose, for a textbook, a book that is this much fun to read. I am taking a ministry of writing class in divinity school and we are using this textbook as a grammar review. I have already learned some "rules" that I don't remember learning in my English cl[censored] years ago. O'Conner makes the "rules" easy to remember.

Woe is I: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


The witty bestseller that untangled the knottiest problems in the English language is back-in a revised, expanded third edition that untangles more knots than ever.

Table of Contents

Preface to the Third Editionp. xi
Acknowledgmentsp. xv
Introductionp. xvii
Woe Is I
Therapy for Pronoun Anxietyp. 1
Plurals Before Swine
Blunders with Numbersp. 17
Yours Truly
The Possessives and the Possessedp. 35
They Beg to Disagree
Putting Verbs in their Placep. 47
Verbal Abuse
Words on the Endangered Listp. 79
How to be Letter Perfectp. 129
So to Speak
Talking Points on Pronunciationp. 149
Comma Sutra
The Joy of Punctuationp. 163
The Compleat Dangler
A Fish out of Waterp. 189
Death Sentence
Do Clichés Deserve to Die?p. 197
The Living Dead
Let Bygone Rules be Gonep. 209
Saying is Believing
How to Write what you Meanp. 223
Glossaryp. 237
Bibliographyp. 251
Indexp. 255
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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