Women's America Refocusing the Past

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Edition: 9th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2019-09-16
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $91.72

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Featuring a streamlined single-volume format, Women's America: Refocusing the Past is more teachable, accessible, and affordable than ever before. The ninth edition incorporates insights from new coeditor Karissa Haugeberg and appears at a time of anxiety about the meaning of equality in the twenty-first century. Some of the inequalities with which women have long struggled have been eliminated, while others have emerged or reemerged. Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, Women's America is an indispensable text for the study of US women's history.

Author Biography

Linda K. Kerber is May Brodbeck Professor in the Liberal Arts, Professor of History Emerita, and Lecturer in Law at the University of Iowa.

Jane Sherron De Hart is Professor Emerita of History at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Cornelia Hughes Dayton is Professor of History at the University of Connecticut.

Karissa Haugeberg is Assistant Professor of History at Tulane University.

Table of Contents

Gender Frontiers
Kathleen M. Brown, The Anglo-Indian Gender Frontier
Jennifer L. Morgan, "Some Could Suckle over Their Shoulder": Male Travelers, Female Bodies
In Brief: Childbirth Practices among North American Indigenous Women (by Ann Marie Plane)
Gender and Labor
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Three Inventories, Three Households
Mary Beth Norton, An Indentured Servant Identifies as "Both Man and Woeman": Jamestown, 1629
Judith A. Carney, Toiling in the Carolina Rice Fields
Founding Documents: Black and White Women Defined in Law
Virginia Establishes a Double Standard in Tax Law
Virginia's 1662 Law Defining Race-Based Enslavement
A Massachusetts Minister's Slave Marriage Vows
English Jurist William Blackstone Defines Coverture
Mary Collin's Probate Inventory
An Early Divorce Law and Sarah Welsher's Petition
Disorderly Women
Carol F. Karlsen, Inheriting Women and Witchcraft Accusations
The Trial of Anne Hutchinson, 1637
Two Eighteenth-Century Lives in Brief
Esther Wheelwright Becomes an Ursuline Nun (by Ann M. Little)
Abigail Stoneman, Entrepreneur (by Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor)
Revolutionary Legacies
Philadelphia Women Raise Money Door to Door
Sarah Osborn, Woman of the Army
Deborah Sampson Gannett, Soldier
Grace Growden Galloway, Loyalist
Rachel Wells, "I have Don as much to Carrey on the War as maney . . ."
Linda K. Kerber, Republican Mothers and Women Citizens
Annette Gordon-Reed, The Hemings-Jefferson Treaty: Paris, 1789
Jeanne Boydston, The Pastoralization of Housework
Sharon Block, Sexual Coercion in the Early Republic
Eliza R. Hemmingway and Sarah Bagley Testify on Working Conditions in Early Factories, 1845
Slaveowning Households
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers, Mistresses in the Making
Thavolia Glymph, Women in Slavery: The Gender of Violence
Maria Perkins, Writes to Her Husband on the Eve of Being Sold, 1852
Intimacy, Birth Control, and Abortion
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, The Female World of Love and Ritual
James C. Mohr, The Abortion Landscape, 1800-1880
Activists and Reform
Gerda Lerner, The Meanings of Seneca Falls
Rose Stremlau, "I Know What an Indian Woman Can Do": Sarah Winnemucca Writes about the Northern Paiute Frontier
The Grimké Sisters Talk Truth to Power
Keziah Kendall Protests Coverture
Declaration of Sentiments, 1848
Married Women's Property Acts, New York State, 1848 and 1860
Sojourner Truth's Visiting Card, 1864
Nineteenth-Century Frontiers
Miroslava Chávez-García, The Murder Trial of Guadeloupe Trujillo: Los Angeles, 1843
In Brief: Maria Mitchell, Astronomer and College Professor (by Helen Knight et al.)
Photo Essay: Women in Public
Civil War and Its Aftermaths
Stephanie McCurry, Women Numerous and Armed: Politics and Policy on the Confederate Home Front
Leslie A. Schwalm, Enslaved Mothers: Claiming Freedom and Risking Death
Tera W. Hunter, Reconstruction and the Meanings of Freedom
A. S. Hitchcock, I Would Treat Them as Vagabonds
Reconstruction Amendments, 1865, 1868, 1870
Supreme Court Test Cases: Bradwell v. Illinois and Minor v. Happersett
Gender and the Jim Crow South
Glenda Gilmore, Forging Interracial Links in the Jim Crow South
Ida B. Wells, Southern Horrors (with an introduction by Patricia A. Schechter)
Mary McLeod Bethune, "How the Bethune-Cookman College Campus Started"
Women in the West
Peggy Pascoe, Ophelia Paquet, a Tillamook of Oregon, Challenges Miscegenation Laws
Judy Yung, Unbound Feet: From China to San Francisco's Chinatown
Zitkala-"Sa, The Americanization of Native American Children
Change Agents
Kathryn Kish Sklar, Florence Kelley and Women's Activism in the Progressive Era
Annelise Orleck, From the Russian Pale to Labor Organizing in New York City
Pauline Newman, Life in the Garment District
Crystal Eastman, Now We Can Begin
Suffrage and Citizenship
Leila J. Rupp, Sexuality and Politics in the Early Twentieth-Century International Women's Movement
Chinese Exclusion: The Page Act and Its Aftermath
Mackenzie v. Hare, 1915
Equal Suffrage (Nineteenth) Amendment, 1920
Jazz Age Opportunities and Limits
Vicki L. Ruiz, The Flapper and the Chaperone: Mexican American Teenagers in the Southwest
Joan Jacobs Brumberg, Fasting Girls: The Emerging Ideal of Slenderness
Linda Gordon, Women and the KKK in the 1920s
Equal Rights Amendment, 1921, 1923
Photo Essay: Adorning the Body
Great Depression
Leslie J. Reagan, When Abortion Was a Crime
Blanche Wiesen Cook, Storms on Every Front: Eleanor Roosevelt and Human Rights
Comstock Act
Emma Goldman's Mug Shot, 1901
Margaret Sanger, Contraception for all Women
Pauli Murray and the Making of Jane Crow
Women and War
Beth Bailey and David Farber, The Women of Hotel Street during World War II
Alice Kessler-Harris, Rethinking Women's Work during World War II
The Forced Removal of Japanese Americans
Women's Cold War Activism
Daniel Horowitz, Betty Friedan and the Origins of Feminism in Cold War America
Michelle M. Nickerson, Politically Desperate Housewives
Betty Friedan, "The Problem That Has No Name"
Phyllis Schlafly, Difference, Not Equality
Sexuality at Midcentury
Susan K. Cahn, Lesbians and Homophobia in U.S. Women's Sports
Joanne Meyerowitz, Christine Jorgensen and the Story of How Sex Changed
Women and Movements against Injustice
Danielle L. McGuire, Sexual Violence and the Long Civil Rights Movement
In Brief: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Making of a Feminist Advocate (by Jane Sherron DeHart)
Hoyt v. Florida, 1961, and Taylor v. Louisiana, 1975
Civil Rights Act, Title VII, 1964
Loving v. Virginia, 1967
Reinvigorated Feminisms
Heather M. Stur, "We Weren't Called Soldiers": WACs and Nurses in Vietnam
Rosalyn Baxandall and Linda Gordon, The Women's Liberation Movement
Poster, "Girls Say Yes to Boys Who Say No"
Equal Rights Amendment, 1972
Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972
Frontiero v. Richardson, 1973
Carol Sanger, "The Law from Roe Forward"
In Brief: Women's Experience with Abortion before and after Roe v. Wade (by Karissa Haugeberg)
Claims for Dignity
Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Domésticas Demand Dignity
Ashraf Zahedi, Muslim American Women after 9/11
In Brief: How History Matters in Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015 (by Nancy F. Cott)
Meritor Savings Bank v. Mechelle Vinson et al., 1986
Anita Hill's Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, 1991
Violence Against Women Act, 1994
Women's March, 2017

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