Work Here Now Think Like a Human and Build a Powerhouse Workplace

Edition: 1st
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2023-01-12
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $28.00

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Make work suck less and improve the performance of your people with this practical, hands-on guide

The COVID-19 pandemic and an ever-changing array of new ways of working seem to have all of us asking, “Does work really have to suck this bad?” It looks like a small taste of flexibility and freedom has made many of us rethink the nature of the work we do and how we do it.

In Work Here Now: Think Like a Human and Build a Powerhouse Workplace, Mercer’s North American Transformation Leader Melissa Swift delivers an eye-opening roadmap to better work that generates wins for companies and employees alike. In the book, you’ll explore different ways to improve the growth-impeding, borderline inhumane people management practices we’ve created and endured over time. You’ll also find:

  • 50 strategies to create a powerhouse workplace at organizational level
  • 50 strategies to create a powerhouse workplace at team level
  • A simple framework to help you make people-centered decisions

An incisive and practical take on managing and working with people that—for once—doesn’t rely on hackneyed idealism or management-by-algorithm, Work Here Now is the hands-on performance improvement tool that executives, managers, HR professionals, and other business leaders have been searching for.

Author Biography

Melissa Swift is the North American Transformation Leader at Mercer. Melissa helps clients bring their workforces to a different and better future. Her work leverages data analytics and a humanist view of the workplace to create extraordinary outcomes. She has been named a “Top Influencer on the Future of Work” by Onalytica.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Great Work Unpack: Understanding and Fixing Broken Work

Chapter 2: The Anxiety Monster and the Boss Baby Customer: Slaying Work’s Monsters

Chapter 3: Breaking the Copy Machine: Switching off the Past, Switching on the Future

Chapter 4: Decisions About People, for People: How to Make Human-Centric Decisions

Chapter 5: Tech Dreams, Tech Nightmares: Couples Counseling for Humans and Technology

Chapter 6: The Intentional Workforce: Combatting the Great Resignation by Managing Working Populations More Thoughtfully

Chapter 7: Hippos Under the Lagoon: The Powerful Effects of Immigration, Migration, and Incarceration on Your Workforce

Chapter 8: Defeating Greedy Work and Animal Farm Syndrome: Two Critical Levers for an Awesome Working Culture

Chapter 9: A Good Day at Work, Every Day: Towards a Realistic, Human Future of Work 

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