Manifest Your Life Your Inner Pathway to Setting Intentions and Achieving Your Goals - Includes: Includes: 48-page Intention Setting Guidebook, 31 Positive Affirmation Cards, Rose Quartz Crystal, Citrine Quartz Crystal, Organza Bag

by Unknown
Format: Package
Pub. Date: 2023-01-10
Publisher(s): Chartwell Books
List Price: $22.99

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Discover how to turn your dreams into reality!
The power of manifestation has been proven time and again. Your thoughts become your actions and your
actions become your destiny! Manifest Your Life contains everything you need to jump start your manifestation journey.
This kit will help you:
  • Identify core values
  • Confront limiting beliefs
  • Visualize your success
  • Harness the power of crystals
  • Celebrate your achievements
  • Learn the 369 method
  • Practice gratitude
Manifest Your Life provides the tools to start manifesting your best life. The guided workbook teaches the most popular manifestation techniques. The deck of 31 pocket sized positive affirmation cards, one for every day of the month, help you focus your intentions. You will also learn how to work with the included rose and citrine quartz crystals to channel their energy.
Open your mind and heart to boundless possibilities. You will change the way you view yourself, your world, and the opportunities before you.
Kit includes: 
  • 48-page Intention Setting Guidebook
  • 31 Positive Affirmation Cards
  • Rose Quartz Crystal
  • Citrine Quartz
  • Organza Crystal Carry Bag

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