The Rough Guide to Greek Dictionary Phrasebook 3

by ;
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2006-05-29
Publisher(s): DK Publishing, Inc.
List Price: $6.99

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Impress your friends, and the locals with the help of this pocket-sized Rough Guide Greek Phrasebook. With A-Z English to Greek and A-Z Greek to English translations, this thoroughly revised third edition will have you speaking the language even before you arrive. Whether you want to reserve a hotel room, order a taxi or simply ask directions, the 16-pages of additional scenario material will help you in all manner of situations. Recorded by native Greek speakers, the scenarios are available as downloadable audio files either to your computer or iPod – ideal for practicing your pronunciation. The phrasebook also includes a detailed grammar section and a useful menu and drinks list reader. With this phrasebook in your backpocket you are sure to have a great trip – Kalo Taxithi!

Table of Contents

Introductionp. 5
Basic Phrasesp. 8
Scenariosp. 13
English - Greekp. 31
Greek - Englishp. 108
Menu Reader
Foodp. 174
Drinkp. 204
How the Language Works
The Greek Alphabetp. 209
Pronunciationp. 211
Abbreviationsp. 211
Nouns and Articlesp. 212
Adjectives and Adverbsp. 218
Pronounsp. 222
Verbsp. 224
Questionsp. 231
Datesp. 231
Daysp. 232
Monthsp. 232
Timep. 233
Numbersp. 234
Conversion Tablesp. 236
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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